We’re so often misled, dismissed, minimised.

What we’re told to expect doesn’t match up to what it’s actually like.

If you’ve ever been surprised by your own body, if you’ve ever wished you had more answers, if you’ve ever been told it’s “just a period”, this film’s for you.

What do you wish you’d been told?

What do you wish you’d been told?

Nobody prepares us for a life inside our bodies.
300,000 years of homo sapiens and girls STILL see blood in their pants and think they’re dying?
No one gives us answers, so we spend lifetimes asking questions.
Like, how do I put a tampon up there?
Why does my discharge smell like wet dog?
Where’s my period? I stopped the pill 8 months ago?
Oh, so you CAN get your periods whilst breastfeeding??
Why did no one tell me getting the coil would hurt this much?

Why is my vulva so sensitive?
Since when can blood clots be plum-sized??
Instead of actual answers, we’re told “it’s just a period.”
But it’s never just a period.
It’s so much more.
Enough with the dismissing and minimising and misleading.
We deserve a world that actually understands our bodies.
That’s why Nana is committed to helping every girl start her period without fear. From her first drop of blood to her last.

Because if we can Start Fearless, we can all Live Fearless.

What do you wish you’d been told? Tell us (and women everywhere) using #NeverJustAPeriod

What we’re told vs. How it actually is

We conducted an in-depth empathetic global survey to actually understand what women go through. The knowledge gap was staggering.
Over half of women wish they’d been taught more about periods and cycles throughout life
51% or women only learned about periods when they started theirs
Over 1 in 3 women feel misinformed about how a woman’s body and how periods actually work
There’s a huge gap between what we’re taught to expect and how it actually is.

So we spend our lives navigating life with a womb, but without the proper knowledge.

It's like watching a foreign language film without subtitles. Confusing and disorientating and strange.

Why did nobody warn us? And wouldn’t it all have been much easier if they had?

Our Commitments

Nana commits to helping all women live fearless, by helping to create a world that actually understands women's bodies.

  1. MORE RESEARCH. LESS FEAR. We Help Commission Research That Centers Girls’ Needs
  2. EARLIER & BETTER PERIOD EDUCATION. We Help Girls Get Better Menstrual Education Before They Start
  3. COMBATTING MISINFORMATION. We Help Girls Get Real Answers To Real Questions

Because we understand women better, we design products that actually understand your body – from all-night protection to comfy period pants.


A total of 10,000 were surveyed across ten markets: France, UK, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, New Zealand, USA, and Sweden. Fieldwork ran from 21st March to 5th April 2024 and was conducted by Vitreous World